We will ship within 1 business day of full payment. We encourage requesting shipping estimates before one business day of auction ending. Payment for lot won and shipping is expected within 1 week of shipping quote provided. Please advise if you need a shipping quote. Shipping - Shipping is available only for lots that state "shipping available". Pick-up hours are Mon-Fri 10-8 and Sat/Sun 10-4. Our address is 6046 S State St, Murray, UT 84107. Pick-up - Customer is expected to pickup lots within 1 week of winning notification. Payment - Price bid is price paid - we include sales tax and processing fees! No hidden fees! We accept cash, Venmo CashApp ($vkenwilliams), Credit/Debit, Google Pay, Apple Pay. Please ensure you have a valid e-mail address registered with Notifications - We utilize messaging system to notify buyers of items won, as well as other communications required. We highly encourage you to send us any questions you may have! Please review description for any known issues with particular items/lots. Items - All items will be photographed and described with best intent to accurately depict what the buyer will receive.